Dear players,

This morning we ran some more verifications regarding the leaderboards issues and rewarding problems we faced this weekend. We made sure that none of the top 5 factions kept more than one exclusive rank reward as this would severely impact the game and the competition between players and factions.

Many of you also asked about the final leaderboard and we will be able to share it with you early next week. We need this extra time because the extraction of this data cannot happen in the usual way. We also want to verify that this newly extracted leaderboard matches the faction scores perfectly.

As the issues we faced were with the leaderboards generation tools, we need to match and compare the leaderboard extract with all the independant faction scores that we used to grant the correct rewards.

Sorry again for the time this takes but we don't want any error to be spread over to the community and want this leaderboard to be just as they should.

Thank you for your understanding,

Your Deca team