1. #1

    WD test event + Maintenance + Weekend event update

    Dear players,

    Please note that this week, a 24h WD test event will take place from tomorrow (the 15th) at 6PM PDT. This test will happen after a short maintenance which will take place by tomorrow the latest to optimise some queries, still causing issues in the events. This maintenance will start tonight at midnight PDT / 9h CEST. It will last for up to 1h30.

    We hope this measure will bring some more improvements to the weekend event performance.

    Compensations for the last WD will be announced next week, as already stated but we can already share that it will include for sure units with the strongest bonuses and badges. Every other element to be included in this compensation is still being looked into currently.

    We want to thank you again for your patience and loyalty over the past few weeks. We know these are tough times for the game but we will do everything we possibly can to bring the game back to our standards.

    We also looked at the players feedback and we will look into all the weekend events rewards to take away any unit without bonuses in here. We are also looking into some firm of recycling options for units and inventory wipe to run once again.
    We will also work on the indy goals and drastically reduce their number to improve performance in the early hours of weekend events.

    Thank you again,
    Your Deca team
    Last edited by RecallDoro; 07-14-2020 at 06:07 AM.

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