1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Everyone check your inventory!!!

    I have learned to take screenshots of everything now. I just looked and while I have "won" 2 health packs so far today my inventory has remained the same. And no I have not used them on this event they are just not there.

    Can this issue please be looked into right away. Since it has never been given as loot I would guess it was not coded correctly and I am not the only one missing them. I sent in a ticket but that only helps me not all players. I have and I recommend everyone takes a SS of how many you have and how many are given to you as loot.

    Please fix this ASAP. A month of emails going back and forth won't be acceptable. It's only 2 packs so far but the principal of more missing or "mislabeled" rewards is unacceptable.

    Please reply so I know a Gree employee has seen this.

    I hope this was constructive or relevant enough to get a reply.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I hate to tell you this but stuff along these lines is what is termed a "feature," of GREE coding. It happens more often than you are noticing. And yes, screenshots are nice to have to prove to yourself that you did indeed not receive the thing you thought you would when you did "your part," of the game. GREE, apparently, refuses to recognize the transactional nature of the whole "I did the job you said to do for the reward you said I would get; so having done, now make with the reward part, pronto!"
    It's not like that. A lot of games are. Many transactions are, too. Not this game, and if you use a credit card to buy gold, you aren't buying anything except pixels in a screen, the actual reward part may or may not ever occur, and also the whole "numbers," issue is a tiny bit unlike what you might assume. Example: a unit offering "+1 to energy regen," FIRST is subject to the "maybe you'll get it maybe you won't," feature of this game. Think of it as the "special sauce," that drives people wild. It really does drive people into a frenzy, by the way. SECOND - and this is a good one - the whole issue of what "+1," actually *means* isn't what you think it is. See, there's a thing called, "GREE Maths," whereby that +1 doesn't *mean* +1% or +1 in that lineal, numerical 1,2,3,4,5... Way we all learned in 2nd grade. That +1 is actually more like a variable in algebra. It stands for a value. The fun part is that value is not defined. Think of it as a mystery, like transubstantiation or who will play Batman in next summer's blockbuster. It usually means "a number, between 0 and 1 but not ever defined nor generally determinable at least until (IF) awarded and (IF) you work out a proof by observing the change in your energy regen rate over time. Of course this assumes you knew it to a fraction of a second before you *maybe* got the +1 energy regen item.
    Fun, huh!
    I'm not even kidding.
    "Welcome to the machine."
    Last edited by Gileas; 04-17-2015 at 03:01 AM.
    "If GREE does something you like, do NOT post about it.
    Or, enjoy the nerf."
    -Vile Lynn
    "can we ban use use of the words, "fun," and "exciting," on the forum...?"

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Thanks for the detailed explanation. But I heard back from Gree and apparently they aren't offering health packs for raid boss. Funny because they say health and sure to look like health packs.

    Can someone who went to city college of wherever and receives a paycheck from Gree clarify if the second epic loot item labeled health is a health pack or not and where they can be found in our inventory. Thanks!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by KCjamss View Post
    Thanks for the detailed explanation. But I heard back from Gree and apparently they aren't offering health packs for raid boss. Funny because they say health and sure to look like health packs.

    Can someone who went to city college of wherever and receives a paycheck from Gree clarify if the second epic loot item labeled health is a health pack or not and where they can be found in our inventory. Thanks!
    I'm sure the agent misunderstood what you asked as yes indeed this Raid Boss can drop a health pack. There is a known issue where sometimes rewards are not displayed at all even though you do own them. A fix for this issue has been found and will go out with an upcoming game update. In the meantime, a work around is to uninstall and reinstall at which point the items will be visible again. An annoying workaround for sure but it should work.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Wait, you mean support was wrong? That can't be. They always read each and every ticket thoroughly and are NEVER in error.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Big Ten Country
    More importantly, after you uninstall, save yourself a lot of future grief and leave like that. You will much better off for it.
    Nemo me impune Lacessit

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolt View Post
    I'm sure the agent misunderstood what you asked as yes indeed this Raid Boss can drop a health pack. There is a known issue where sometimes rewards are not displayed at all even though you do own them. A fix for this issue has been found and will go out with an upcoming game update. In the meantime, a work around is to uninstall and reinstall at which point the items will be visible again. An annoying workaround for sure but it should work.
    Never uninstall /reinstall if you want your avatar to come back. I got a level 1 mini instead of my main x4 in a year. Gree will not compensate for all of the units and boosts missed while they take a month to get you going again. Be warned.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Thanks bolt! I tried that and nothing has changed yet. What's the next step? Please post it here because as I mentioned I am sure in not the only one who is having this issue.


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolt View Post
    I'm sure the agent misunderstood what you asked as yes indeed this Raid Boss can drop a health pack. There is a known issue where sometimes rewards are not displayed at all even though you do own them. A fix for this issue has been found and will go out with an upcoming game update. In the meantime, a work around is to uninstall and reinstall at which point the items will be visible again. An annoying workaround for sure but it should work.
    Hi Bolt, nice to see someone offering some sort of words about things with GREE stuff. I, and a few other players have this minor pet peeve, see, when we don't complete one of the quests, we don't get the reward. Simple. Even if we spend a lot of money. No finish, no reward. But, and it's a big but, GREE seems to have a very relaxed idea of the whole, "how a reward works, and what those pesky numbers, names and icons of the reward maybe do mean, or maybe there was some other intent and also maybe just *poof* "Finish the quest to receive the reward, guess what? NO REWARD! Not to fear, though, because it's a known issue and a fix "will come out," (love the passive language that is the hallmark of buck-passing - it's like "mistakes were made,") anyways this fix? It will be released, "in a future update," which, if you just spent a few hundred dollars or not, or got little sleep or didn't, but the player did their part, and that's where GREE falls flat. Just the whole attitude sucks. I've been playing video games, online role playing games, board games, card games, games of chance, mmorpg like WoW or Everquest my whole life. And *NEVER, EVER, EXCEPT WHEN IN JAIL FOR A WEEKEND* have I encountered "game designers, & their hierarchy of money men" who so clearly don't feel the half of the game equation which is called, "the house honors its responsibility to provide the reward for a player who earned it." is something that needs to be approached with anything like accuracy or urgency. It's like some half-ass stoner movie, where nobody can get off the couch to answer the door for the delivery pizza - except in this case it's GREE - a corporation, making a profit by not taking the part of the business where, after GREE gets the money they are expected to provide something. Preferably in a rapid manner, and hopefully the thing they provide has some relationship to what they described. So it's not actually funny at all. It feels like wire fraud to me. But I'm not a lawyer. I do feel robbed, often, however. Which is why I stopped spending money - like others have after a certain point (the one I'm making now) became personally very clear.
    Can you tell me what this whole lazy, deadbeat outlook toward honorably meeting its obligations GREE cultivates is all about? I mean supercell as an example, provides the upgrades when players earn them. All the poker and candy crush and mine craft, all the mobile roulette and adventure games, they *all* seem to grasp the fundamental relationship between taking people's time and money and creating an expectation that if a player does some task he will get the reward he completed the task for. But not GREE. And you guys can't even post in normal language about when this stuff might be solved. So it's especially annoying - never a "the dev team is beta testing this week, and the patch is expected to be implemented between the 18th and the 23rd, thanks for your patience." It's always "known to the team that this issue is occasionally operating in parameters unintendedly heretofore." And patches, "would be part of future occasions upcoming later."
    So, hi! I write these types of things. I hope you can provide some plain language, honestly dispersed using the active tense and with the purpose of clearing up player concerns with as much candour as you are allowed, given that you surely are privy to information that comes with an instruction, basically labeled, "secret/employee only/NOFORN" or some such.
    Here's your chance, astound me with your ability to provide clear answers to clear question.
    Last edited by Gileas; 04-17-2015 at 08:09 PM.
    "If GREE does something you like, do NOT post about it.
    Or, enjoy the nerf."
    -Vile Lynn
    "can we ban use use of the words, "fun," and "exciting," on the forum...?"

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Do we have a clear answer or even better a solution? I checked my account and I was awarded one of the packs but still missing some. My ticket was "escalated" which we all know means that it won't be solved or looked into any further.

    I will ask again for this issue to be brought up to someone who can fix it.

    Mod update would be appreciated and is called for. Thanks

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Well I got an email saying it was fixed. I won one a couple hours later and it did appear but what's going on with the ones awarded earlier that have not found their way to my inventory?

    Can a mod comment on what steps are needed to get health packs awarded before this fix? Before replying with "it has already happened" let me say that it has not. Do I need to send in something again to get them or are you already in the process of seeing who needs them and how many? Remember WD starts soon and I like to use them for that event.

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